Praxis Care
Befriender for young people
- Age: 18+
- Covers NHSCT area - Magherafelt & Cookstown
- Access NI required
No Minimum hrs
Volunteers requested to commit for 12mths
Where we are
Praxis Care
Chisolm House
29 Doagh Road
BT39 9BG
About the Volunteer Opportunity
The Befriending service for young people aims to offer young people who are in the process of leaving the care system a trained volunteer they can spend time with on a regular basis. This improves social skills, raises self-esteem and builds self-confidence. Volunteers will work on a one-to-one basis with a young person aged between 16-21 who are in the process of leaving the care system. Befriending consists of meeting on a regular basis with the young person and spending time together doing social activities such as going for coffee, cinema, bowling or going out to dinner.
About the Organisation
Praxis Care supports individuals with mental ill health, autism, learning disabilities and dementia, providing innovative, professional, high quality support services to people across the spectrum of need and particularly at the higher level of complexity.
Register your interest
Volunteers may be required to complete an Access NI disclosure for some volunteering roles. A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a volunteer position.