Forever Young Project

Project Information
The Forever Young Project provides support to those aged 60 and over in Magherafelt and the surrounding areas. The project is open to anyone over 60 including those living with an illness such as dementia, with a disability or experiencing loneliness. Forever Young is facilitated by Mid Ulster Volunteer Centre and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. It aims to promote health & wellbeing, reduce isolation and also support users in remaining independent for as long as possible. We offer a comprehensive programme of activities, training and information sessions as well as volunteering opportunities. Activities are based in InVOLve House, Magherafelt.
The Forever Young Project is open to anyone aged over 60, including users living with or at risk of dementia or other illnesses, those with a disability and people experiencing loneliness and isolation. There is no upper age limit, with current users ranging from 60 right up to 90+. Perhaps you or someone you know lives alone and would like to get out and make new friends? Maybe you would like to do a bit more exercise each week or would like to learn a new skill? The Forever Young Project might just be for you.
We offer a wide range of activities as part of the project. These include things such as
- Chair based exercise classes
- Luncheon Club
- Yoga
- Arts & Crafts
- Crochet
- Computer & iPad Training
- Health Eating Cookery classes
- Information & Awareness Sessions
- Drop-in Sessions and more
The activity schedule changes every few months, with the needs and demand from users determining what activities we organise.
We currently receive and welcome referrals from a range of sources including health professionals and other community and voluntary organisations. These referrals help us to get more individuals involved who could benefit from the project and those who we would be unable to reach otherwise. All we ask for anyone wishing to refer someone to the project is that they complete our referral form and email or drop it in to our office. A copy of the referral form is available to download on our website.
Anyone not being referred through one of the channels above can also register themselves to become a member. A copy of the registration form is also available to download on the website. Alternatively to have a copy posted to you call us on 028 7930 1862 or you can collect one from our office.
Useful Documents
Links to downloadable Documents
Registration Form
PDF Version Registration Form
Word version Registration Form
Referral Form
PDF Version Referral Form
Word Version Referral Form