Age NI
Big Knit Volunteer
- Suitable for all ages
- Northern Ireland
- Homebased Volunteering
Where we are
Age NI
3 Lower Crescent
About the Volunteer Opportunity
Every year AgeNI ask people to knit tiny woollen hats, and each one gets placed on an innocent smoothie bottle. For every smoothie sold, they receive 30p, and that money helps them fight loneliness among older people.
Patterns can be downloaded from their website below or just create your own.
If you have any hats ready to send in, they would be delighted to receive them. Please either deliver to AGE NI office, Volunteer Office or post to their freepost address, just include your name and address and number of hats enclosed:
FREEPOST RRTU-HSZY-LTHZ, Age NI, 3 Lower Crescent, Belfast, BT7 1NR
About the Organisation
Age NI is the leading charity for older people in Northern Ireland. Our vision is a world where everyone can love later life. Our mission is to help people enjoy a better later life.
Register your interest
Volunteers may be required to complete an Access NI disclosure for some volunteering roles. A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a volunteer position.