Volunteer Fundraising Co-ordinator
O4O Cookstown Ltd
- Age: 21+
- Cookstown
- Training Provided
4 hours per week
Where we are
O4O Office
Unit 18-20
Cookstown Enterprise Centre
BT80 9LU
About the Volunteer Opportunity
O4O – Opportunities for older people is a charity based in Cookstown. We provide services for older people such as meal at our premises and via delivery. We also provide activity classes 2-3 afternoons per week. In order to keep our
Services going we need to fundraise as much as possible and would like someone to come on board to co-ordinate this for us. This is a very important role within the organisation and will enable us to keep these services going for Older people.
About the Organisation
O4O Cookstown Ltd is an independent registered charity covering Mid Ulster Council area working to improve people’s quality of life. The Project works with the local community to help maintain people living independently in their communities for as long as possible by:
- Developing existing community resources
- Facilitating older people to help each other
- Using their skills, experience and knowledge
- Building on their capacity for innovation, action, enterprise and voluntary activity
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Register your interest
Volunteers may be required to complete an Access NI disclosure for some volunteering roles. A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a volunteer position.