Visitor Engagement Volunteer




Where we are

Montiaghs Moss Nature Reserve

About the Volunteer Opportunity

As a Visitor Engagement Volunteer at Montiaghs Moss you will be:

Providing a friendly welcome to visitors when they arrive.
Having conversations with visitors and finding out how you can help them enjoy their visit and explaining the key species you can see at Montiaghs.
Helping deliver events and activities, including setting up and clearing away afterwards.
Talking to the public about the work of the RSPB, what we’re all about and asking them if they would like to become members if the conversation takes you there.
Ensuring the welcome area is clean and tidy, leaflets are replenished, and information boards are up to date.
Full training and support will be provide for this role but you do need to be a ‘people person’ and have good communication skills.

This is a really rewarding and enjoyable role. You will be working with a friendly team on a beautiful nature reserve, you will have the opportunity to make new friends and spend time outdoors. You will get to meet loads of new people in this role, enjoying conversation and helping people have a wonderful visit. For this role you can commit as much or as little time as you want.

There is always the opportunity to learn new things and gain skills through volunteering, by working on a reserve, you’ll naturally learn all about how nature reserves are managed and the wildlife that is found there.

About the Organisation

The RSPB is the UK charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds & all wildlife, helping to create a better world for everyone. Our conservation work ranges from education to campaigning, from people engagement to bird recovery projects.  The need for our work increases as the pressure on the environment grows, and this is where you can come in.

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Register your interest

Volunteers may be required to complete an Access NI disclosure for some volunteering roles.  A criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a volunteer position.